Inside the XCMG twin shaft mixer concrete manufacturer

As the heart of a concrete batching plant, the concrete mixer must fully meet the requirements for quality, productivity, and operating costs. Therefore, in order to choose a concrete mixer product with all these factors, customers must carefully understand the technological standards applied on that product.

XCMG Construction Machinery Corporation was established in 1943, with headquarters in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China. Since then, XCMG has been at the forefront of China's construction machinery industry and has grown into one of the largest, most influential and most competitive enterprise groups with a complete product range. Best. Let's see what's inside the XCMG concrete mixer production line.

Toàn cảnh nhìn từ trên cao nhà máy sản xuất của tập đoàn XCMG

Panoramic view from above at the factory of XCMG group

Các linh kiện phục vụ sản xuất được xếp ngăn nắp trong kho của công ty

Components for production are neatly arranged in the company's warehouse

At present, when people's living standards are higher and higher, along with that, their material requirements also increase accordingly, urban areas, industrial zones are growing up more and more... and in those works they There is a very high demand for quality and the decisive factor here is the quality of the concrete. XCMG concrete mixer production line is considered as one of the modern, high-tech production lines, applying technical achievements in production.

Công nhân đang gia công hàn các chi tiết

Workers are processing and welding details

Công nghệ gia công chính xác trên các máy cnc được sử dụng phổ biến để gia công các chi tiết đòi hỏi độ chính xác cao

Precision machining technology on cnc machines is commonly used to process parts that require high precision

Lắp ghép các bộ phận lại với nhau để có một sản phẩm hoàn chỉnh

Assemble the parts together for a finished product

Khâu lắp ráp hoàn thiện cối trộn bê tông xcmg

Finishing assembly stage of concrete mixer xcmg

This is the most popular and trusted type of concrete mixer on the mainland China market because of its outstanding advantages, which is increasingly attracting special attention from customers. In 2021 with a changed policy, XCMG Group will begin to export this mixer product to international markets outside of China.

Khâu kiểm tra đóng gói để bàn giao ra cho khách hàng

Checking packaging to hand over to customers

Chuyển giao sản phẩm đến khách hàng bằng đường thủy

Deliver products to customers by Waterway

In Vietnam, customers contact a member of XCMG Group, which is Cao Ben Co., Ltd (CABE., CO LTD) for support and advice on this quality concrete mixer product. In the first year of building the Vietnamese market, the company has preferential policies in terms of warranty period and price to aim at the interests of consumers in the most optimal way.

XCMG twin shaft  mixer used in mobile concrete batching plant

XCMG twin shaft mixer used in commercial concrete batching plant

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